In these most challenging of days where we are awash with so much emotion, it is comforting to know that there is a ‘something greater’ (called by many names around the world), who holds all that we carry within our hearts with infinite acceptance and love. I breathe, and breathe, and breathe with this knowledge.
The Finite is Infinite
All feelings are in Love just as all colors are in black.
“I am both the Light and the Dark.
I will wrap you in Myself
and you can let Me ease into you
as you need Me.
You are not alone.
I am not afraid of your fear.
I am fear.
I am not afraid of your despair.
I am despair.
I am not afraid of your grief.
I am grief.
I am not afraid of your sadness.
I am sadness.
I am all of these feelings.
And, I am Love.”
(from 2/2016)
Audio: The Finite is Infinite
Just notice what you notice…