Excerpt from a Dream
I am trying to put a bunch of segments, or clips from a movie reel, into their proper orientation one segment at a time. I cannot figure out how each frame fits together, and, yet, I have put all but one of those segments into an order that seems to be right.
Suddenly, it is as if a door has finally been unlocked because every one of them rearranges in a way that makes complete sense — even the last segment not ‘chosen’ by me earlier…
Message I hear is: Trust, have faith, that it all works out as it should in the end. No manipulation or intense effort is needed!
With pen to paper I write: Why not continue to put my blog “Noticings” together with entries that I have written over the years one ‘segment’ at a time? Maybe I can just take the wisdom gleaned from my dream just now and put it all together until it just makes a kind of sense that suddenly transforms into something greater than the sum of its parts. Can I just trust and have faith in my own process that is, and has been for a long time, in motion? Can I trust that each piece of the movie of my life is enough on its own? Something feels inherently right about allowing this kind of process to unfold as it is meant to.
By not forcing my body of work into a set pattern of expression I am not leading myself, or anyone else, into one way of looking at things, or one way of moving through life. It stands as a reflection of my life, and invites others to notice their own unique process as ENOUGH, just the way it manifests. I want to model the power of exploration where we can each embody our own unique process to find greater balance, greater peace, and greater creativity! Even if I am scared, or feel vulnerable, doing it anyway — with my integrity as the guiding force.
I know that I do not have anyone else’s answers, just my own. I do not have anyone else’s wisdom, just my own. What I hope to support is having faith to follow that innate storied path we each walk. And, to know that it is good enough, and right enough, just the way it is.
So, what would it be like to lead from this place of deep knowing? I see a world of grace, similarity and connection without fear of reprisal or judgment. I invite my therapy clients into this kind of space where they can discover, recover and embrace their story, every day, without judgement.
My invitation is to walk your own path with as much loving kindness as possible, and with as much awareness as can be mustered. Because I know, from personal experience, that trying to be something, or someone other than who I truly am, leads to a world of hurt, both within the psyche and also out in the world. By taking the risk to share my story as a “snapshot” of my evolving life is the important point.
So, I invite you now to seek what moves you, grounds you, and makes your soul ease! When that is validated enough, as enough, the energy within shifts, the heart can relax some, and the love that resides there can be released.
(from 1/2024)
Lean into the unknowing — sacrifice certainty — and trust yourself! Know that it is the ‘seeking’ that matters!
The Whisper
Following the echo to hear the Unheard
starts with a whisper in the heart,
of the heart,
longing to be heard,
to be followed.
It is the heartbeat of life
that reverberates within.
It waits to be birthed
from the pain —
arising, like a passion,
for its’ expression
as the voice
of inner knowing.
Already known within the depths,
the whisper
longs to be unleashed
outward into the world.
Do not dread this release
of words,
of feelings!
Like following silver threads
to the threshold
of a new beginning,
of a new belonging,
we arrive at that space
where Grace, the Unheard,
releases —
from the heart!
as Heart!
(from 10/2023)
Audio: The Whisper
Just notice what you notice…